[Cover image: Emma Smith, "Wolfwhistler" (2007)]
Editor: Jen Crawford
Number 38 (August [September] 2009):
Wystan Curnow / Blue Tips / 4
Emma Phillipps / that we move from plastic / 5
Ross Brighton / Blue Light - Metallic / 7
Joseph Cahill-Lane / C a l i b u r n / 8
Mez Breeze / <---- ections-a="" inter=""> / 17
Lisa Samuels / Coop / 18
Richard Taylor / Marchenbilder / 23
Martin Edmond / Dungog - Rorschach Tests for Trees / 24
Sarah Broom / Heat / 26
Rachel O'Neill / Embarking on her other names / 27
Mark Young / from Genji Monogatari / 30
Alison Glenny / Mandoline / 32
Gareth van Sambeek / from Transgender Horse / 33
Janet Charman / The Honeymoon Bath / 38
Jack Ross / The Assassination Weapon - Anzac Day / 46
Rangi Faith / Homage To The Pufferfish / 49
joanne burns / is pointing still considered rude - whom did you expect / 50
John Geraets / Colourless leaves / 52
Richard von Sturmer / Train Notes / 53
Andrew Burke / Happy Hour / 56
Scott Hamilton / Eripene / 57
Mariana Isara / ink jet transfusion / 59
William Direen / Extract from Hyperbaton / 61
Gus Simonovic / One of Us / 70
Anna Rugis / Travelling Light / 72
Craig Cliff / Space For A Thousand Secrets / 73
Jennifer Compton / A Small Town on the Coast / 74
Douglas Barbour / Rose / 76
Cameron Hockly / Watching / 79
Tony Green / A Miscellany [2006 -2008] / 80
Murray Edmond / This One That One - Miniature / 84
Will Christie / C/rea[c]t/e / 86
Ian Finch / Revolving Wormhole - Organ of Corti / 87---->
Jack Ross on Martin Edmond's The Supply Party / 89
Ross Brighton on Ted Jenner's Writers in Residence and Other Captive Fauna, Sandy Florian's The Tree of No, and Lara Glenum's Maximum Gaga / 94
Notes on Contributors / 100