
Issue 6 (July 1997)

[Cover design by Lesley Kaiser & John Barnett]

A Brief Description of the Whole World
Editor: Alan Loney
Number 6 (July 1997):

Alan Loney / A place to go / 3-6
Janet Hunt / the dog in St Kevin’s arcade / 7
Lesley Kaiser/John Bamett / Stone is more stony … / 8-9
Leicester Kyle / Koroneho: Joyful News Out Of The New Found World / 10-19
Denis O’Connor / MAANE / 21
Tony Green / The Tobacconist’s Windows / 23-26
Alan Brunton / Amsterdam / 27-30
Bridget Furey / Brag Art / 31
Wystan Curnow / Flowers of Giverny / 32-37
Murray Edmond / Line; The Revue of the Re-view of the Review etc. / 38-39
Graham Lindsay / Gulf; Legend of the cool secret / 40-43
Peter Crisp / The Day Of A Year; Quickly / 44-47
Sugu Pillay / Work in Progress / 48-51
John Geraets / Review: Alan Loney, Envoy / 52-55
Contributor notes / 56

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