
Issue 27 (June 2003): season of the remakes

[Cover : “Vet Cemetary,” by Matt Kelly]

Editor: Jack Ross
Number 27 - season of the remakes (June 2003):

May Iremonger / Endpapers
Jack Ross / Editorial / 3-4
Michael Arnold / Two Poems / 5-6
Janet Charman / televisioner / 7-19
Will Joy Christie / Poetry from Black Lagoon / 20-21
Peter Crisp / About Time / 22-27
Hamish Dewe / Three Poems / 28-29
Doc Drumheller / N + 7 / 30-31
Martin Edmond / from Terminus Motel / 32-36
Tony Green / Accumulations, Walks & Broken Chain / 37-40
Scott Hamilton / To the Moon: in Seven Easy Steps / 41
Ian Harnett / Spam Spider Hack / 42-45
Ted Jenner / The Gold Leaves / 46-53
Lesley Kaiser & John Barnett / Shrewd Move / 54
Leicester Kyle / On Birchfield Fen / 55-56
Harvey McQueen / A Nativity Week Leave Taking / 57-60
Theresia Liemlienio Marshall / yarn-spinning / 61-62
John O’Connor / The Orchid; Goblet / 63
Sugu Pillay / 1st January 2003 / 64
Mark Pirie / Two Poems – An Impression of the Sea / 65-70
Michael Radich / Prosaic Times; so-so / 71-73
Jack Ross / Anamorphoses / 74-76
K. M. Ross / Rambo; Dumped / 77-82
Kendrick Smithyman / Imitations of Neruda / 83-86
Richard Taylor / The enclosed “work” / 87-90
Richard von Sturmer / Sentient Dreams / 91-93
Lorraine West / The Yellow Room / 94-96
Peter Crisp / Letter / 97
Jack Ross / Review: Leicester Kyle, Five Anzac Liturgies / 98
Michael Shield / Review: Sugu Pillay, The Chandrasekhar Limit / 99-100
Olivia Macassey / Review: Jack Ross, Chantal’s Book / 101-102
Contributor Notes / 103-104

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