
Issue 35 (September 2007): A brief world order

[Cover image: Matt Kelly]

Editor: Brett Cross
Number 35 - A brief world order (September 2007):

Editorial Committee: Scott Hamilton, Jack Ross, Brett Cross, Claudia Westmoreland, Richard Taylor, Todd Keedwell, William Direen.

NB: The complete text of brief #35 is available here as a pdf:

Scott Hamilton / Franklin District Field Trips; Dream / 4
Olivia Macassey / The Internal Eel; The reflecting pool; Dissent / 9
Jack Ross / The Purloined Letter / 14
Will Christie / Bolt; The Old Story / 34
Michael Steven / Anthology; Brutes; Aubade / 38
Nathan MacGregor / Drawings / 41, 59
Sally McIntyre / Jeanne d’Arc; stations / 42
Jen Crawford / bad appendix / 50
Alex von Huhen / the poem / 57
Mario Melendez / Black Symphony; The Daughter of Rimbaud / 58
Olwyn Stewart/Paul Amlehn / I write these despicable lines / 60
Richard Taylor / from The Infinite Poem; Untitled / 61
Nathan MacGregor / Wolf Moon Rising / 64
Bill Direen / Written out of existence / 66
Richard von Sturmer / This World (and None Other) / 69
Michael Morrissey / Reading about Poland / 75
Brett Cross / senses scattered; through a window / 76
David Lyndon Brown / Decompression / 78
K. M. Ross / Te lka / 83
Henry Talbot / Sunshine / 88
Ted Jenner / Impressions of Africa / 91
Hamish Dewe / Sydney; remains / 92
Michael Arnold / Perspire / 95


William Direen / Falling Through the Architect by K. M. Ross / 102
Olivia Macassey / Free Range Poems; ed. Miriam Barr / 104
Dr Deidre Brown / The Fellowship: exhibition by Ellen Portch / 106
Will Christie / Love in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction by Olivia Macassey / 114
Michael Steven / To the Moon, In Seven Easy Steps by Scott Hamilton / 117
K.M. Ross / Song of the Brakeman by Bill Direen / 120
Scott Hamilton / To Terezin by Jack Ross / 122
Olwyn Stewart / Bill Direen / Marked Men by David Lyndon Brown / 126
Contributors /128

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